![The C++ programming language](./C++/C++_logo.jpg)
This entry accompanies a presentation for the module 'Advanced Computational Methods Part II'; it can also be viewed as a stand-alone exercise for those not present at the workshop. The material presented here consists of tutorials and exercises designed to introduce the programming language C++.
These exercises are designed for use on the virtual machine provided for this tutorial. To download this machine image, click here. The presentation slides associated with this tutorial can be found on Github.
The virtual machine contains the text editor Sublime Text 3. For all of these exercises and examples, code should be written and run in this editor. When you are ready to run the code you have written, simply press Ctrl-B and the program will compile using the in-built C++ build system.
Pre-written source files providing examples of some of the concepts discussed can be found in the 'C++' folder located on the desktop. A small number of these examples run using the newer C++11 system; in order to build these examples, you will need to select Tools>Build>C++11 from the Sublime Text 3 toolbar.
In order to make your code run correctly, include these lines at the top of each new program:
using namespace std;
Tutorial 1: object-oriented programming
The slides provide an introduction to creating new classes and objects in C++. Let's apply these ideas to a more interesting problem. Suppose we wish to create a database of footballers (a standard task for a fantasy football league, for instance). Attributes such as name, club, games played, goals scored and goal assists will be common to all players. Goals conceded and number of clean sheets are relevant only to defenders and goalkeepers; the number of saves made applies to goalkeepers and no other players. Object orientation in general, and inheritance in particular, provides us with the tools needed to do this.
We need a general "Footballer" class:
class Footballer
string name, club;
int games, goals_scored, assists;
void setValues (string nm, string cb, int gms, int gls, int asts) {
name = nm; club = cb; games = gms; goals_scored = gls; assists = asts;}
string getName() {return name;}
string getClub() {return club;}
int getGames() {return games;}
int getGoalsScored() {return goals_scored;}
int getAssists() {return assists;}
(Optional exercise: rewrite this to use a constructor methods instead of the setValues routine.)
"Defender" should be a subclass of "Footballer", inheriting all of its parent class's attributes and adding its own:
class Defender: public Footballer
int clean_sheets, goals_conceded;
void setValues (string nm, string cb, int gms, int gls, int asts, int clnshts, int glscon) {
name = nm; club = cb; games = gms; goals_scored = gls; assists = asts;
clean_sheets = clnshts; goals_conceded = glscon;}
int getCleanSheets() {return clean_sheets;}
int getGoalsConceded() {return goals_conceded;}
- Exercise: create a "Goalkeeper" subclass, inheriting the "Footballer" class with additional integer variables for clean sheets, goals conceded and saves.
Now we can easily create players, input and view their statistics:
int main(){
Footballer PeterCrouch ; PeterCrouch.setValues("Peter Crouch", "Stoke City", 31, 7, 3) ;
Defender GarethMcAuley ; GarethMcAuley.setValues("Gareth McAuley", "West Bromwich Albion", 22, 0, 0, 11, 27) ;
Crouch_Goals = PeterCrouch.getGoalsScored()
cout << Crouch_Goals
McAuley_CleanSheets = GarethMcAuley.getCleanSheets()
cout << McAuley_CleanSheets
Try this for your Goalkeeper class as well.
Tutorial 2: Virtual functions and operator overloading
In the previous section, we use the same function name "setValues" for both the "Footballer" and "Defender" classes. This is OK provided we only call these methods directly from our "main" function. If we instead try to call the "setValues" function from inside another function, problems can arise. Consider a function which takes an already-existing player's games, goals and assists and updates them:
int update(Footballer Player, int games_new, int goals_new, int assists_new, bool def){
Name = Player.getName() ;
Club = Player.getClub() ;
Games = Player.getGames() ;
Goals = Player.getGoalsScored() ;
Assists = Player.getAssists() ;
GamesNew = Games + games_new ;
GoalsNew = Goals + goals_new ;
AssistsNew = Assists + assists_new ;
if (def = true) {
GoalsConceded = Player.getGoalsConceded()
CleanSheets = Player.getCleanSheets()
Player.setValues(Name, Club, GamesNew, GoalsNew, Assists, GoalsConceded, CleanSheets)
else {
Player.setValues(Name, Club, GamesNew, GoalsNew, Assists)
int main(){
Footballer PeterCrouch ;
PeterCrouch.setValues("Peter Crouch", "Stoke City", 31, 7, 3) ;
Defender GarethMcAuley ;
GarethMcAuley.setValues("Gareth McAuley", "West Bromwich Albion", 22, 0, 0, 11, 27) ;
update(PeterCrouch, 1, 1, 0) ;
update(GarethMcAuley, 1, 0, 0) ;
This code will run correctly for Peter Crouch, but returns an error when applied to Gareth McAuley. The reason is that when the "update" function calls the If we rewrite the "setValues" function in the "Footballer" class to use the "virtual" keyword, the code will work correctly for both players.
In the example in the slides, we overloaded the * operator to extend its functionality to include matrix multiplication. Let's see how this works in practice. First, we need to create a matrix class:
class matrix
int a[3][3];
matrix() { // default constructor
for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {
for(int j=0;j<3;j++) {
void set(){// to set matrix elements
for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {
for(int j=0;j<3;j++) {
cout<<"\n Enter "<<i<<","<<j<<" element=";
void show() { // to show matrix elements
cout<<"\n Matrix is=\n";
for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {
for(int j=0;j<3;j++) {
Don't worry too much about how this code works - the principles are more important the specifics. Now we need to include our new matrix multiplication operator (still inside the public methods of the class):
matrix operator*(matrix x)// overloading * for multiplication
matrix c;// this will hold our result
for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
for(int j=0;j<3;j++)
for(int k=0;k<3;k++)
Now we can see how the operator works. Try generating two matrices (note that you will have to enter each entry of the matrix separately), and multiply them together:
matrix a,b,c;
c = a * b;
Additional resources
- A useful tutorial on the use of C++.